Friday, March 23, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

I've never been that into St. Patrick's Day, I don't really know why. I don't even think I've acknowledged it the last couple of years. It must be because I don't even really know what we are celebrating! Anyway, that week in Preschool Aubrey learned all about Ireland and St. Patrick's day. All she could talk about that day is how beautiful Ireland is and how much she wanted to buy a ticket for Brooke to go to Ireland and see how beautiful it is. She couldn't understand why we couldn't save our money and buy a ticket for Brooke for Christmas! Funny kid. Anyway, I figured I should at least acknowledge it this year since Aubrey was now aware of it!

 Aubrey requested shamrock pancakes for breakfast. My batter was really runny (I tried out a new recipe) and so they didn't turn out very shamrocky. But Aubrey was happy nonetheless!

 Brooke who had been crying uncontrollably just moments before this picture was taken, when seeing the camera said "take a picture of me" and then posed for the camera as if she had never even been sad!

 Then we headed over to a local grocery store because I heard they were having a St. Patrick's day party for the kids. When we got there they were having Irish Dance lessons. Seriously darling!

 I had to include this video because it's just so typical Aubrey. She is such a little mommy and wanted to make sure that Brooke was feeling comfortable.

Enjoying a little treat.

We then played a gold coin game and a rainbow game and then headed out for the scavenger hunt around the store. The girls loved this! They said the leprechauns had hidden a pot of gold and clues around the store the night before. Such fun! (We stopped after the first clue to let all the other kids get ahead of us so the girls wouldn't have to compete with the other bigger kids.)

So random scavenger hunt story: We were looking for a clue in the meat department and couldn't find it anywhere. There was an employee stocking the meat, so I asked him if he had seen the clue anywhere. I told him what the clue before said and he suggested we check in the deli. I thanked him and off we went to the deli. Well lo and behold he goes with us to the deli. When we arrive Aubrey calls out, "I see the clue" and speeds up to get it. This employee, a grown man, speeds up and gets ahead of Aubrey and grabs the clue just moments before Aubrey would have gotten it. She just looks at him baffled. And I'm still a little baffled as to why he thought he should or that we wanted him to actually get the clue for us. Especially since he was quite aware that Aubrey had found it and was headed over to get it herself. Very strange behavior indeed!

We find the pot of gold and the girls get a chocolate treat and a green balloon. Fun times that I didn't have to put any effort into!! Then we headed home for lunch and nap.

That evening our stake had a Stake Family Dance. The girls were super excited about it!

Taking their bow after the first song ended!

Such a happy girl!

Flying like a butterfly.

 Fun with balloons!

  Unfortunately after more people arrived, Brooke who has been super clingy lately, only wanted to dance in my arms. Good work out for me I guess. But I really wanted to see her do her little dances.

And poor Aubrey after the first few songs got a really bad tummy ache (she had some resurgence of acid reflux for a few days last week) and ended up in daddy's arms on the sidelines for most of the time. She would try and dance for a bit but then her tummy would hurt and she'd sit back down. I was sad for her because she had been so excited for the dance and if she didn't hurt she would have just danced the night away.

Anyway, it was a really fun idea and there was a really good turn out. So I hope they do some more family dances when my girls are feeling better. It's just right up their alley!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 39 & 40

I finally lost a pound - Hallelujah! So now I'm up to 54 pounds weight loss.

At least I learned exactly what I need to do to maintain my weight. If I want to lose my last 25 pounds I have a decision to make. I either can continue what I am doing and very slowly lose the weight or start cutting down calories and carbs and amp up my work outs. I really haven't decided which I'll do. I'm guessing maybe some weeks I'll do more extreme measures but probably not all of the time. I really don't like counting calories or being really extreme about working out, it just doesn't fit into my lifestyle. That's why I have loved clean eating so much. I haven't had to worry about counting anything. I just eat healthy whole foods and don't eat the fake stuff. Once I knew what I could and could not eat then it really didn't become something I had to put a lot of thought into.

Through my journey I've discovered a very interesting common misconception about weight loss. Now I don't want to offend anyone who has talked to me about my weight loss. Really I have only been flattered and felt good about all of the compliments and conversations I've had. I just noticed a common theme in the comments that I've found to be quite interesting. That misconception is that people seem to think that losing weight is accomplished by exercising. Most of the people who have talked to me about my weight loss have made comments or asked questions like this: "Wow you look great, you must be working out a lot," "you've lost a lot of weight - are you running?", "You must have joined a gym," "What kind of work outs are you doing to lose so much weight?" and many more in this fashion. It's interesting that exercise is what people assume I've been focusing on to lose weight, when really it's the food you eat that has a much greater impact on your body size. Now if you are already slender then certainly exercising is going to help you tone and look even better. But if you are very much over weight a jog every day or an hour at the gym daily is not going to help you accomplish your weight loss very rapidly. I read on a fitness site (I wish I remembered which one) that 80% of how you're body looks is in relation to how you eat. So that means only 20% is related to exercise. I have found this to be completely true. I can go weeks without working out and still lose weight, but I will not lose weight if I eat unhealthy foods or an overabundance of food.

I credit some of the misconception to Biggest Loser. I love Biggest Loser and have been watching it for years, but I have never liked how they emphasize the exercise portion of losing weight and only barely touch on the diet portion. I'm sure they feel that it is much more interesting watching people doing killer work outs then having dietary lessons. But it is a bit of a disservice because the majority of Americans certainly can not work out for 6 - 8 hours a day like the contestants, and so will not see much of a result by just walking or doing a 30 min exercise DVD. Then they will likely give up because it's not working. People need to know that it's the food you eat that is really going to impact losing weight. If you have a lot of weight to lose you have to eat healthy and that's that.

I do believe that exercise is important for overall health and well being. When I exercise I feel better, I have more energy, I have much less back and joint pain, and I have been told it's good for my heart. So, yes, I believe people should live active lifestyles. Getting up and moving is most certainly an important factor in living a healthy lifestyle. And all people both over weight and at a healthy weight should make being active a priority in their life.

But, for those that have a lot of weight to lose the major thing that should be changed is the diet. Then when the pounds start falling off, you'll want to get up and move because you feel so much better about yourself. And quite frankly it will be easier to get yourself moving!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Random Stuff

 I haven't been taking pictures or blogging much the last few weeks for a couple of reasons. 1. We have had so much sickness in our house :(. Over the last month we've had bronchialitis, double ear infection, flu, acid reflux, shingles, migraines, colds, sleep troubles (due to all the above illnesses) and the last couple of days I've had a terrible sore throat. I thought I would wake up today with a horrible cold or sinus infection but thankfully my throat is much improved. I credit my recovery to the massive amounts of raw garlic and onion I've eaten (Jeff has been loving that) and the On guard & Oregano essential oils I've been taking. Needless to say, taking pictures and blogging has ranked very low on my list. 2. I've started the party prep for the girls upcoming Princess party and that has been taking over my evenings. 

But, I thought I'd go through the last few weeks of pictures and at least account for some of our doings.

Aubrey made a super cute ukulele at preschool and had fun dressing up and putting on a concert for us.

Of course Brooke had to join in the concert too!

Aubrey made cute cut out pictures for each of us. See the dotted lines, that's where we were to cut them out! For me she made these props for the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

My first completed project for the girls Princess Tea Party. I usually don't spend a ton of time on the decorations because Aubrey is more interested in the activities. However, Brooke is really into fancy things and the older Aubrey gets the more she notices pretty things. So I made this centerpiece for one of the tea party tables. I'm planning to make several more and am bummed that it took much longer than I expected! I may make some of my foam spheres into glitter balls instead since my girls love all things sparkly!

The plan for last weeks Family Home Evening was to work on the garden together. Well Brooke's bronchialitis put a damper on that plan. So Aubrey helped her Daddy while I took care of Brooke. Aubrey was such a trooper. She enthusiastically helped daddy with the garden for 3 evenings this last week. And she loved every minute of it! And Daddy loved the time he got to spend with Aubrey and how excited she got about the garden!

One day last week Aunt Esther was nice enough to come and take Aubrey to the park. It was a much needed trip for Aubrey. Brooke is an EXTREMELY cranky sick person. She had been pretty mean to Aubrey all week and I didn't have much time or energy to spend on Aubrey, so I was thrilled to have her get a special play date with Esther & Isla. Thanks Esther!

While they were gone Brooke and I read stories and then played a little. Well Brooke played and I watched, because she would throw a fit if I didn't put something exactly where she wanted it. So I sat there and watched her play unless she asked me to do something for her. She decided she wanted to put all of her little toys down for a nap. Here she is telling me to shush cause her babies are sleeping.

All snuggled up and ready for a nap.

All of her little babies sleeping on the floor. She had some in her bed as well.

There is an upcoming Jr. Primary Activity that I was asked to teach a song from the Friend magazine. I discovered that "Scripture Power" was originally published in the Friend so choose to teach that one. I didn't actually know it but all of the Senior Primary kids absolutely LOVE that song, so I wanted to learn it and teach it to the Juniors. I found a cute idea to have someone dress like a superhero and interview him on how he got his Scripture Powers. (His answers are the lines from the first verse of the song.) I considered finding someone who would be willing to be a superhero for me, but then remembered a past chorister bringing in puppets and how much the kids loved the puppets. So I decided to instead make a Scripture Power Hero puppet and do the interview with Him to teach the song. I hope the kids have fun with it!

I am so much hoping for a healthier week this week!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Homemade Mint Medicine for Stomach Troubles

A few months ago I was at our local Health Food Store and looking for the essential oils. I had only been familiar with Oregano oil for colds but nothing else at that point. I had read that Peppermint oil helps with stomach troubles and since we suffer from that in our house I wanted to get some. I found an employee to help me find what I was looking for since I was very new to essential oils. Well he just happened to be an herbalist. He showed me the peppermint oil but told me it would probably be too strong for my girls to drink. He suggested I try making my own medicine from fresh mint leaves. So that's just what I did. (I did also buy the peppermint oil, which has worked wonders for headaches, fevers, abdominal cramps and heartburn!) This medicine has been incredible! One night my husband was having such bad pains that he was convinced he was having a gall bladder attack. I suggested he try the mint medicine. Within minutes of taking it, the pain was completely gone and it didn't come back. My 4 year old was playing a game one day and then suddenly bent over because of such strong stomach pain. I gave her the medicine and once again within minutes she was back to normal and playing the game. My 2 year old was complaining for several hours that her tummy hurt. I thought it was just all over pain since she had a cold. Finally I decided it might actually be a tummy ache so I gave her the medicine. A few minutes later she threw up whatever had been causing the problem and then had no stomach trouble the rest of the day. We've also had times where within minutes of taking the medicine whatever was causing the trouble on the inside exits from the other direction. So, we've found that the medicine either takes the pain away or encourages the problem causing the pain to exit the body! Anyway, since this medicine has been such a huge help in our house, I thought I'd share the 2 ingredient recipe!

Homemade Mint Medicine

Package of fresh Mint leaves (3/4 oz - 21 g)
Bottle of Vegetable Glycerin (4 fl. oz - 118 ml)  * Food Grade*

It is important to make sure the vegetable glycerin says that it is food grade. Put the mint leaves and glycerin in your blender. Blend it all up. Keep it in a covered container on your counter for 48 hours. Pour it into a jar or bottle and store it in the fridge. (I use the bottle that the glycerin comes in.) Take a spoonful (or I fill up a tsp medicine dropper for my girls) at any sign of stomach discomfort.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Whole Wheat/Clean Eating Pot Stickers and More

Before I started eating clean one of my favorite dishes to eat was pot stickers. I was addicted to the frozen ones you can buy at Costco. A friend emailed me a few links to homemade pot stickers that all I would have to do is use wheat instead of white flour. I had to give it a try. They were so delicious. Even though they take quite a bit of time I wanted them so much again yesterday, that I made them again. They are too delicious not to share the recipe.

Look at those cute little dumplings sizzling in my pan. I was actually pretty proud of how they looked on my first attempt!

Pot stickers – Chicken Filling
Makes two dozen potstickers

2 chicken thighs, deboned, skinned and trimmed
3 garlic cloves
1 egg
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
2 Tablespoons GF Soy Sauce (I used Braggs Liquid Aminos)
1 Tablespoon sesame oil (or toasted sesame oil)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon Chinese five spice
2 stalks of green onions, finely chopped
1/4 cup minced onion
1/2 cup chopped parsley
  1. Put chicken meat into the food processor with the garlic, egg, cornstarch, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, pepper, and five spice. (Everything EXCEPT the green onion, onion, and parsley.) Process until you have a fine ground meat (which my husband is calling a “meat paste”.)
  2. Stir in by hand, onions, parsley and green onions.
  3. Set aside a make the potsticker wrappers.


2 cups Whole Wheat Flour (finely ground or WW pastry flour)
1/2 cup warm water
Whole wheat flour for work surface

For detailed/picture directions on how to roll out the dough and crimp them you will want to go to this site:

Cooking Directions
To boil: Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add dumplings to pot. Boil the dumplings until they float.
To steam: Place dumplings on a single layer of napa cabbage leaves or on a well-greased surface and steam for about 6 minutes.
To pan fry (pot stickers): Place dumplings in a frying pan with 2-3 tbsp of vegetable oil. Heat on high and fry for a few minutes until bottoms are golden. Add 1/2 cup water and cover. Cook until the water has boiled away and then uncover and reduce heat to medium or medium low. Let the dumplings cook for another 2 minutes then remove from heat and serve.
To freeze: Assemble dumplings on a baking sheet so they are not touching. Freeze for 20-30 minutes until dumplings are no longer soft. Place in ziploc bag and freeze for up to a couple of months. Prepare per the above instructions, but allow extra time to ensure the filling is thoroughly cooked.
To serve: Serve dumplings or potstickers hot with your choice of dipping sauce combinations.

Dipping Sauce

So I tried many dipping sauce recipes found online and I did not like any of them. None of them came anywhere close to the frozen Costco dipping sauce. So I experimented and this is what I found that was most similar to my favorite Costco dipping sauce:

Braggs Liquid Aminos - to taste(a low sodium soy sauce should work as well)
Agave - to taste

I just poured in some of the liquid aminos in a serving bowl and added agave until it tasted the way I liked it.

The first night I made these I paired them with a delicious Clean Beef and Broccoli. So I thought I'd share that recipe as well.

Beef and Broccoli on Soba noodles


  • 1/4 cup soy sause
  • 1/2 cup red onion sliced
  • 1 tbl garlic
  • 1 1/2# sirloin steak, sliced 1" thick
  • 1 tbl seasame oil
  • 2 tbl rice vinegar
  • 1 tbl ginger...minced
  • 4 cups broccoli florets
  • 8 Ounces of dried sobe noodles


1. bring 2 quarts of water to a boil
2. Meanwhile, heat a small amount of soy sauce in a large saute' pan, add the onions and garlic and saute' until opaque
3. Add beef and saute', turning often with tongs, toss 7-10 minutes. stir together the oil, vinegar, and ginger and add to the saute mixture
4. blanch broccoli in boiling water and keep warm
5. prepare soba noodles according to package. drain, toss with beef/broccoli and serve

Yesterday I paired them with the below Chinese Five Spice Steak and Peppers. This was one of the easiest dishes to prepare and it was seriously so good!

Chinese Five Spice Steak and Peppers

1 lb flank steak, trimmed of any visible fat
2 tsp olive oil, divided
salt and pepper
1 tsp Chinese five spice powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp garlic powder
1 red bell pepper, sliced
1 yellow bell pepper, sliced
1/4 c fresh cilantro leaves
1. Heat a grill or grill pan to medium high heat. Coat both sides of steak with one teaspoon oil and season with salt and pepper. In a small bowl combine five spice powder, cumin, and garlic powder. Rub spice mixture on both sides of steak.
2. Place steak on grill or grill pan and cook, turning once, for about 2 minutes per side for medium doneness. Remove steak from heat and let rest for at least 5 minutes.
3. In a large bowl, toss bell peppers with remaining one teaspoon oil and season with salt and pepper. Add bell peppers to grill or grill pan and cook on medium high until slightly soft, two minutes per side. (if using grill pan, wipe clean with a paper towel first)
4. Transfer steak to a cutting board and thinly slice against the grain. To serve, place bell peppers on a plate, arrange steak on top, and garnish with cilantro.

I hope you enjoy all of the above dishes as much as I did!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Preschool Letter Z - Zoo

 For preschool this month we focused on the letter Z. So we had a Zoo day.

Here the kids are practicing writing the letter Z.

 For show and tell I had the kids each bring stuffed animals. The night before me and my girls set up all of our animals in our stuffed animal zoo. Then all of the kids showed us their animals and added them to the zoo.

Then we sang the song below while acting out different animals. We did several verses and the kids yelled out an animal and they acted like it while we sang.


Here we go to the zoo in the park,
the zoo in the park, the zoo in the park;
Here we go to the zoo in the park so early in the morning.

This is the way the elephant walks,
the elephant walks, the elephant walks;
This is the way the elephant walks so early in the morning.

This is the way the big bear walks,
the big bear walks, the big bear walks;
This is the way the big bear walks so early in the morning.

This is the way the kangaroo hops,
the kangaroo hops, the kangaroo hops;
This is the way the kangaroo hops so early in the morning.

This is the way the penguin walks, the penguin walks, the penguin walks;
This is the way the penguin walks so early in the morning.

I found this really cool book at the library called "Life-Size Zoo"  that we looked at next. It has life size pictures of different zoo animals. As we went through it the kids pointed out different things they observed about the animals and I read to them a few facts about each animal.

Then we did the below rhyme a couple of times:

Three little zebras went out to play
One of the zebras galloped away.
Two little zebras out at play,
Another zebra galloped away.
One little zebra out at play.
Finally, that zebra galloped away.
Zero zebras out at play.
Now all the zebra’s are far away.
Jean Warren

Next I read them "Milia's Big Day" which takes them through the day in the life of a young Zebra:

 I had printed and cut out for each of them a Zebra that was missing it's stripes. I put some marbles in a bowl of black washable paint. They taped their zebra print outs in a large container, added the paint covered marbles and covered it up. Then they made their marbles roll around in the containers which painted stripes on their zebras. They all thought it was a lot of fun.

 Taking the top off and revealing the newly striped Zebra.

 I thought they turned out pretty cute.

Then I read them this book about lions.
 And then we made clothespin Lions. (I had these left over from last month when we were learning about L. But since we were doing a Zoo day they fit in just fine!)

Here they are gluing on their orange mane.

My girls completed Lions.

 Next they made Ziplock Zoo Books. I cut out pieces of construction paper the size of ziplock bags. I found pictures of zoo animals and cut them out. I gave them the construction paper, animal pictures and a glue stick and they went to town gluing animals on their papers. Then I stuffed them into the bags and stapled their bags together.

Here's my girls books.

 For a snack we had "Zoo Pops". They are Chocolate covered frozen bananas on a stick.

I made a sugar free chocolate syrup (see the recipe below). Then I sliced the bananas in half width wise. Put each one on a Popsicle stick and dipped it in the syrup. I put them all on a wax paper lined baking sheet and popped them in the freezer. They were a big hit with the kids!

 Chocolate Syrup - Sugar Free


  1. In a heavy saucepan, combine cocoa powder, cinnamon and water & honey. Stir or whisk until smooth. Stir and cook over medium heat until mixture comes to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat and boil gently for 5 minutes, stirring often. Mixture should be thick and smooth. Cool slightly, then stir in vanilla.
  3. Pour into a container or jar with a lid. Cover and store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
  4. To serve, spoon 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls over vanilla frozen yogurt or ice cream.

 After they finished their snacks they played with our Little People Animal sounds Zoo that I had set out for them and our stuffed animal zoo.

They seemed to have a lot of fun today and there wasn't a ton of prep work for me which was really nice!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Those Girls of Mine

 I'm happy to report that after several months of my girls arguing a lot, this last week they got a long really well! All week they have hardly fought or argued at all. It has been so heavenly having a peaceful home!

I haven't been able to get a cute picture of my girls together in forever, but last Sunday I got quite a few cute pics!

There has been one downside to my girls playing so well together, and that is that they have been like two little twin tornadoes destroying every room in the house! But I prefer them playing happily together and having a messier house to them crying and arguing all day!

Here is a couple of their adventures from this week:

One day they built volcanoes. This is how they converted Brooke's bed to a volcano. They wanted to have a picnic in their volcano, but I convinced them that reading stories would be a much better option.

I didn't take a picture of Aubrey's room, but hers consisted of several volcano's. She collected several blankets and then emptied the clothes from her drawers and rolled them in the blankets. Then she stacked these blanket rolls together forming volcano's. Once again this occurred the day after I had reorganized her dresser. I had her pick it all up on her own and have not been brave enough to look into her drawers since then! I don't know why her imaginative play must include making an enormous mess!

Saturday they started with a camp out with their babies, but then their babies got sick on said camp out. The entire family room floor was covered in blankets with sick babies. They decided they needed to get some play food to take care of their babies. As they were going through the play fridge I heard Aubrey say, "Let's feed our babies only healthy food."

Later when inspecting the camp/nurses station I found only fruits and vegetables on plates for their babies to eat. 

Here is Brooke nursing her sick baby with a spicy red pepper!

Here's Aubrey's sick baby surrounded by "healthy food" and medical supplies.
 While I was there taking pictures, Aubrey told me that she needed to make some medicine for her baby. Now I have been using all home remedies and essential oils to combat our colds and flu's this season. Aubrey must have really picked up on it because this is how she made her medicine. She found a dark bottle that she told me was supposed to be honey. She poured some on a spoon and then took several fruits and squeezed them onto the spoon. Then she spoon fed her baby the medicine. I love it when I see my girls acting out our life! It makes me laugh!

 On Presidents day, Jeff thought it would be fun to put the tent up for the girls. They had fun playing camping and having a picnic in the tent.

 Look at that cute little Brookie face peeking out!

 For the talent show the girls wanted me to paint their nails. Aubrey said, "I have an idea. I want you to paint rainbows on my nails. And this is how I want you to do it. I want you to make stripes of different colors on my nails." That seemed like a tall order, but I'm usually up for a challenge. They certainly did not turn out professional looking, however Aubrey was very thrilled with her nails and proceeded to show them to everyone she came across!

 Then a few days later she painted her own polish on top of my rainbows, covered her face with make-up and wanted me to take a picture! Funny kid. However since this picture she has gotten a lot more skilled in the make-up department. This last week she actually had all of the make-up in the right places, enough so that I even let her leave the house without scrubbing her face!

 A couple of weeks ago while we were in the check out line of the grocery store, Aubrey made up a creature called a Mopy. They were hiding from the Mopy and getting things for him to make him happy. Apparently he is not a nice guy. Anyway, when we got home Brooke kept talking about the Mopy. As I am making lunch I see Aubrey hiding under the kitchen chair. I ask her what she is doing and she says to me in a very scared voice, "I'm afraid of the Mopy, so I'm hiding." I reminded her that she made up the Mopy and how can she be afraid of something she made up herself. She responded, "Yeah but I made him up scary!" She has such an active imagination!

Whenever we watch a movie and Sleeping Beauty's castle shows up at the beginning the girls will ask if the people in the movie are at Disneyland. Well last Sunday I put on a living scripture clip about Nephi. As she is watching it, Brooke asks, "Is Nephi at Disneyland?" Funny kid.

Brooke has always been very keyed into the emotions of others. Whenever we read a book or watch a show she is watching the characters expressions and then mentioning if they look happy or sad or mad. Her favorite part of Tangled has always been when Gothel and Rapunzel go back and forth saying, "I love you, I love you more, I love you most." I always thought that was a pretty sweet part of the movie for her to choose as her favorite. Well the other day Brooke was watching Tangled and informed me that she had a new favorite part. She told me it was when Rapunzel is a baby and her Mommy is holding her and she puts her hand on her Mommy's face. What a tender moment and what a tender little 2 year old to have been touched by that part of the movie. She really does have such a sweet heart. And her temper, stubborn, independent, tantrums seem to be subsiding quite a bit as of late. I think the 2 year monster may finally be exiting from my sweet Brookie!